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[FREE BOOK] Trump's First Year in Office: The Awakening (by Tom Ersin)

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(2022) Traditional Republicans made a deal with the devil. The devil had other plans.

On Inauguration Day 2017, no one knew the depths of havoc to which the White House would descend. Traditional Republicans thought President Trump would mature into the job. The rest is histrionics.

The bane of humankind is the malignant lie, employed by the malevolent liar for depraved self-interest, in politics and families. The ability to initiate and sustain the lie takes no special talent nor intellect, only the capacity to abandon personal integrity and character. When good people try to correct the mendacity, the liar gets angry and vindictive. So the question is, in politics and families: Roll over in silent acquiescence or stand up for truth and take the hit?■

Trumpism: Why Traditional Republicans Should Withdraw Support [2017-2021: A Primer] (by Tom Ersin)

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Do you oppose former President Donald Trump but get tongue-tied when trying to explain your disapproval? Here’s a concise seven-point roadmap, documented examples from his first term, laying out the unfitness for office — no matter what possible “good” he may have done.

This slim volume is a smart, succinct compilation of the dysfunction and disruption most people were too busy to keep up. The gravity of the depravity got by them. Let’s face it: Many of us were fooled. Donald takes full advantage of that famous saying: Before the truth can get its Ivanka Brand Women’s Lory3 Ankle Booties zipped up, the lie is halfway around the world.

This book — entertaining, well researched, and referenced — is a compelling summary of the most jarring presidency in U.S. history. It distills the chronic reprobate behavior forgotten by the masses, that had made headlines, was widely decried over a news cycle or two, then had disappeared into the sea of Trumpian turpitude. No regular person could keep track of it all — which was the plan.■

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[FREE E-BOOK] From Dysfunction to Resilience: A Good Road to Travel (by Tom Ersin)

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(2023) Your dysfunctional childhood may have actually changed your brain and body chemistry.

The chronic stress of growing up with a rageaholic, cruel, or deceitful parent — or overt abandonment — can affect your long-term biological functioning. But you can address childhood stress and learn to reconcile the past with the present while building a more resilient future.

This book is about nuclear and extended family relationships: the good, bad, and dysfunctional. Why are certain members manipulative, malicious, and even sociopathic, often attempting to split family? Why do others exhibit integrity and treat members with love and respect? Still others are caught between integrity and weakness, struggling with being manipulated. All of us are affected by our childhood. Many emerge well adjusted. Some emerge fearful, angry, and lacking self-worth, with varying degrees of recovery. But everyone can travel the continuous road of self-improvement, starting from right now.■

[FREE BOOK] My Election 2008 Email Wars: Disinformation Before Social Media Ubiquity (by Tom Ersin)

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(2020) In 2008, social media was still in diapers — conspiracy theories traveled by email.

Back in 2008, we had to trudge through internet speeds of only 3 Mbps — uphill both ways! Social media was in its infancy. The only way for patriots to alert the masses that Barack Obama was the Antichrist was good ol’ low-tech email.

Email on a computer was the primary method for the populace to trash political opponents. The first version of iPhone had been out barely a year and only elite technical snobs had one. The presidential election pitted Barack Obama (D-Ill.) against John McCain (R-Ariz.), the first time in U.S. history that an African American man could come close enough to touch the Oval Office — and conceivably occupy it. Which terrified Republicans.■

Trump’s Last Year in Office: Two Impeachments and 400,000 Funerals (by Tom Ersin)

Media Kit
Serialized Edition

(2022) It couldn’t get any worse — until COVID, when 200,000 Americans died needlessly.

By late 2020, Mr. Trump’s presidency had descended into catastrophic pandemic malfeasance, impeachment, and a near-2nd Great Depression. The November election truly was going to be the most important of our lifetimes.

Unlike the rom-com film Four Weddings and a Funeral, the story in this book, Trump’s Last Year in Office: Two Impeachments and 400,000 Funerals, was a preventable tragedy. From Mr. Trump’s extortion of Ukraine’s president, to his intentional venal mishandling of COVID-19, to fomenting a violent takeover of Congress and then implementing a literal coup attempt to retain power after his reelection loss, it was all preventable. How? By promoting a more critically thoughtful electorate. By nurturing a more empathetic population, less susceptible to selfish grievance and more conscious of humanity as a whole.■

Trump’s Presidency: A Real-Time Commentative History [2017-2019] (by Tom Ersin) Trump’s Presidency: A Real-Time Commentative History [2019-2021] (by Tom Ersin)

(2022) Find weekly narratives of the Trump administration all in one place. Access an in-depth every-Thursday recap of all the presidential news you missed because you had a life to live.

This pair of books comprises 160-plus consecutive weekly roundup articles spanning 1,400-plus pages charting the Trump presidency from the perspective of a long-time avid political spectator. When you see Ersin’s opinion you’ll know it. Much more often, when you see facts, quotations, and details, their accuracy has been backed up by careful research and citation.■