In unguarded conversations released this week, President Trump’s older sister, former federal judge Maryanne Trump Barry, exposed him to the world for what he is: a cruel, ignorant grifter. This revelation would end any other politician’s career. Donald’s response? “Every day it’s something else. Who cares?” He’s counting on voters to lose track of his multitudinous outrages and depravities. The effect is similar to an aspect of Superman lore: Kryptonite (Trump’s crimes, scandals) is deadly to the superhero. A lot of Kryptonite ultimately will kill him. But massive amounts cancel out its deadly effects. When Donald’s crimes, scandals, and malfeasant outrages are exposed on a daily basis, he retains his power through long-term desensitization of the electorate to his transgressions. He’s counting on enough of the country not to “care.” The existing damage to our nation is about to increase exponentially as the November election looms. The cornered in-fear-of-indictment rat is losing and desperate. It will get worse. And the period between his election loss and Joe Biden’s inauguration? (scroll down for full article)
“ELECTION: 4th Night of Dem. National Convention; Biden Delivers Grand Slam Speech, Urges Light Over Darkness, Character Over Debauchery; Totally Refutes Trump’s Mental Deficiency Claims” (8/20/2020)
“Secret Tapes of Former Federal Judge Maryanne Trump Barry: ‘It’s the phoniness of it all. It’s the phoniness and the cruelty. Donald is cruel. He has no principles. You can’t trust him’” (8/22/2020)
“Migrant Child Separation Was Pushed Forward by Stephen Miller, 2018 Cabinet Vote” (8/22/2020)
“House Passes USPS Support Bill w/26 GOP Votes; $26B, Ballot Security; Goes to Senate” (8/22/2020)
“PANDEMIC: Cases on Upward Trend in Midwest; U.S. Still Seeing 1,000+ Deaths Daily” (8/22/2020)
“PANDEMIC: Trump Accuses FDA ‘deep state’ of Delaying Vaccines for Political Reasons” (8/22/2020)
“Kellyanne Conway, Notorious Top Trump Adviser, Resigns on Aug. 31 to Focus on Family” (8/24/2020)
“ELECTION: Dem Pres. Candidate Joe Biden Holds Long-Term Nat’l 10% Lead Over Trump” (8/24/2020)
“FDA Rushes Questionable ‘convalescent plasma’ COVID-19 Treatment 2 Days After Trump Tweet-Accused Agency of Being Under ‘deep state’ Control to Hurt His Political Chances” (8/24/2020)
“NY AG Announces Trump Bank Fraud Probe Based on Michael Cohen’s Cong. Testimony” (8/24/2020)
“ELECTION: GOP Announces There Will Be No Republican Platform, Just Fealty to Trump” (8/24/2020)
“ELECTION: 1st Night of GOP Nat’l Convention; Massive Lies, Alternate Reality, Race-Baiting” (8/24/2020)
“ELECTION: 2nd Night of GOP Nat’l Convention; SOS Pompeo Speaks, Probably Breaking Law; Melania Makes 1st Mention of Pandemic Victims After 2 Full Nights of Convention; Larry Kudlow Speaks of Pandemic Desolation in Past Tense, as if It’s Over; Pardon, Citizenship Ceremony as Props” (8/25/2020)
“PROTESTS: NBA Players Boycott Playoffs, Support Kenosha Jacob Blake Shooting Protests” (8/26/2020)
“PROTESTS: White Vigilante, 17, Shoots, Kills 2 at Kenosha Protests, Charged w/ Murder” (8/26/2020)
“PANDEMIC: WH Ordered CDC to Weaken Test Guidelines, to Post Fewer Confirmed Cases” (8/26/2020)
“ELECTION: 3rd Night of GOP Nat’l Convention; VP Pence Oozes Sycophancy, Blatant Lies; Speaks to Live Audience of Packed Seniors, No Testing, No Distancing, Few Masks, all Endangered; Entire Night’s Lineup of Speakers Spew Stale but Dangerous Conspiracy Theories, Lies About Dems, Biden-Harris” (8/26/2020)
“Cat. 4 Hurricane Laura Makes Landfall Near Texas-Louisiana Border” (8/27/2020)
“Trump’s Made No Mention of Kenosha Jacob Blake Shooting, No Attempt to Calm Nation” (8/27/2020)
“ECONOMY: Weekly New Unemployment Claims Continue at Record Highs” (8/27/2020)
“PANDEMIC: U.S. Has 4.3% of World Population, 22% of World COVID-19 Deaths” (8/27/2020)
“PANDEMIC: U.S./World: 5.8M/24.2M Cases; 179.7K/826.4K Deaths; 7:57 a.m. ET” (8/27/2020)
“PANDEMIC: Conservatively Estimated Trump Malfeasance Deaths This Week: 3,275″ (8/27/2020)
COVID-19 Deaths
2/06/2020 — U.S.: 1 | World: 620
3/05/2020 — U.S.: 12 | World: 3,293
4/02/2020 — U.S.: 5,137 | World: 48,284
5/07/2020 — U.S.: 73,431 | World: 264,189
6/04/2020 — U.S.: 107,175 | World: 386,464
8/20/2020 — U.S.: 173,193 | World: 788,030
8/27/2020 — U.S.: 179,743 | World: 826,380
(COVID-19 Dashboard by the Center for Systems Science and Engineering at Johns Hopkins University; approximately 8 a.m. each day)
8/27/2020 — Conservatively Estimated Trump Malfeasance Deaths: 89,872
(Ersin, Tom; “Pandemic Deaths Due to Trump Malfeasance: 68,709 – so Far”; GraniteWord.com; 7/16/2020; as conservatively extrapolated from COVID-19 Dashboard by the Center for Systems Science and Engineering at Johns Hopkins University; 8/27/2020.)
The United States accounts for 4.3% of Earth’s population, 22% of world COVID-19 deaths, 24% of world COVID-19 cases.
The Trump Doctrine
“All he wants to do is appeal to his base. … He has no principles. None. … You can’t trust him. … And his base, I mean my God, if you were a religious person, you want to help people. Not do this. … His g*dd*mned tweeting and lying, oh my God. I’m talking too freely, but you know. The change of stories. The lack of preparation. The lying. Holy sh**. … He doesn’t read. … It’s the phoniness of it all. It’s the phoniness and this cruelty. Donald is cruel. … He was a brat. I did his homework for him. I drove him around New York City to try to get him into college. He went to Fordham [for two years] and then he got into University of Pennsylvania because he had somebody take the exams. SATs or whatever. … That’s what I believe. I even remember the name … Joe Shapiro.”
(Barry, Maryanne Trump, former federal judge, president’s sister; statements made while being surreptitiously recorded 2018-19; released by The Washington Post; 8/22/2020.)
“Every day it’s something else. Who cares?”
(Trump, Donald, R-Fla., U.S. president; statement issued in response to release of secretly recorded 2018-19 tapes of former federal judge, president’s sister, Maryanne Trump Barry; 8/23/2020.)
In a series of unguarded conversations taped over the past two years and released this week, President Trump’s older sister, former federal judge Maryanne Trump Barry, exposed him to the world for what he is: a cruel, ignorant grifter. It’s apparently the first time any family member has publicly spoken a discouraging word about the president (with the obvious exception of his Ph.D. psychologist niece, and recorder of the sister tapes, Mary Trump and her recently released book).
This revelation would end any other politician’s career. Donald’s response? “Every day it’s something else. Who cares?”
He’s counting on this.
He counts on voters to be numb, in shock, to lose track of his multitudinous outrages and depravities. The effect is similar to an aspect of Superman lore: Kryptonite (in this case: Trump’s crimes and scandals) is deadly to the superhero. A lot of Kryptonite ultimately will kill him. But massive amounts of the fatal element cancel out its deadly effects. When Superman is laid unconscious upon a mountain of Kryptonite by the supervillain trying to finish off the Man of Steel, he regains his powers, his vitality.
When Donald’s growing mountain of crimes, scandals, and malfeasant outrages are exposed on a daily basis, he retains his power, his political vitality, through long-term desensitization of the electorate to his transgressions. There are just too many to keep track of, too many to analyze, too many to prosecute. “And besides, nobody can be that bad.”
He’s counting on his mantra, “Who cares?” He’s counting on enough of the country not to care.
“Every Day It’s Something Else. Who Cares?”
Separated 5,400 migrant children from their parents.
Withheld aid to Puerto Rico after Hurricane Maria.
Has had record number of top aids indicted and convicted for fraud, perjury, campaign crimes.
Attacked Gold Star families.
Sent military troops to southern border for immigration stunt.
“Every day it’s something else. Who cares?”
Is taking in hundreds of millions of dollars in illegal emoluments clauses violations.
Canceled plan to build new FBI headquarters to protect Trump D.C. hotel business.
Masterminded massive family tax fraud to increase his inheritance.
Called white supremacists “very fine people.”
Mocked physically challenged reporter.
“Every day it’s something else. Who cares?”
Deployed federal agents to use brutality and tear gas on peaceful protesters for a photo op.
Bowed to Russian president, believing Putin’s denials over his own unanimous U.S. Intel agencies.
Caught red-handed extorting Ukraine for dirt on his presidential rival.
Fired numerous inspectors general for initiating investigations related to him.
Solicited, welcomed, accepted, used, benefited from, and covered up Russian help to win election.
“Every day it’s something else. Who cares?”
Continues to attack NATO and U.S. allies.
Causing tens of thousands of unnecessary pandemic deaths through corruption, incompetence.
Ordered Attorney General Barr to favor, help him by impeding, stopping investigations.
Has never confronted Putin about suspected Russian bounties paid for dead U.S. troops.
Currently facing 20-plus lawsuits over credible accusations of sexual assault or misconduct.
Committed perjury during Russia investigation.
“Every day it’s something else. Who cares?”
Ordered NOAA to retroactively falsify hurricane information to “prove” him right.
Continues to favor, compliment dictators.
Trump (“charitable”) Foundation ordered to pay $2 million and shut down due to fraud.
Trump Inaugural Committee is under investigation for multiple frauds.
Trump University ordered to pay $25 million and shut down due to fraud.
Said in an unguarded moment, of women he’s attracted to: “I just grab ‘em by the p***y.”
Fired FBI director in attempt to stop Russia investigation.
Told intel secrets to Russian visitors in Oval Office.
Bragged to Russian visitors about eliminating “nutjob” FBI director and “Russia stress.”
Ordered USPS to slow down mail service to suppress mail-in ballots in November.
Committed obstruction of justice 10 times in attempting to end Russia investigation.
Has refused consistently to criticize Russia, continuing to fawn over Putin while dissing allies.
Refused sanctions to hold business ally Saudi Arabia responsible for brutal murder of reporter.
Ordered CDC to weaken COVID-19 testing guidelines, to minimize case number reports.
Continues to spread unfounded lie that mail-in ballots lead to fraud, to help his reelection.
Repeatedly claims that the only way he loses November election is if it’s rigged.
Has told 20,000-plus documented lies in his capacity as president.
“Every day it’s something else. Who cares?”
This presidential rat is being pushed further and further into a corner. He knows he’s losing, and he’s willing to do anything — anything — to try and win, to avoid near-certain indictment after leaving office. The existing damage caused by the Trump presidency is about to increase exponentially as the November election looms. There is no bottom. It will get worse.
And the period between his election loss and Joe Biden’s inauguration? ■
Trump Corruption Chronicles — We Must Never Forget
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