BARACK VS. THE ANTI-PC: Laying the Groundwork for a 2016 Donald Trump Presidential Run (2017, Big Table Publishing, $17) (Purchase)
— BOOK: Table of Contents —
– “Let Me Introduce Myself”: Donald Trump
1. Political Correctness and the Anti-PC (8/3/2008)
– “Let Me Introduce Myself”: Mitt Romney
2. Brain-Dead: Rush Limbaugh Supports President, Wants Obama to Fail (1/21/2009)
3. Ask Jesus: A True Culture of Life (1/22/2009)
4. Enhanced Regurgitation Techniques (1/25/2009)
5. Fun With Bumper Stickers (2/17/2009)
6. Not Som (7/4/2009)
– “Let Me Introduce Myself”: Rush Limbaugh
7. Emotions, Facts, and “Facts” (7/9/2009)
8. But Don’t Say, “Bring ’Em On” (7/14/2009)
9. Rush Limbaugh Gets New Puppy (7/27/2009)
10. How to Lie and Make It Stick (but good) (11/9/2009)
11. If You Can’t Dazzle ’Em With Truth, Baffle ’Em With UAMBE (3/3/2010)
12. Exremism (sic) and IBATR (4/12/2010)
13. The Search for Obama’s Oil Spill (7/19/2010)
14. Culture of Life Party Goes Mainstream (8/15/2010)
15. A Fact-Checker’s Work Is Never Done (9/12/2010)
– “Let Me Introduce Myself”: Ann Coulter
16. Ask Jesus: What the World Needs Now (10/12/2010)
– Birther Announcements: Donald Trump
17. Racism-Lite Is ALSO Wrong (4/11/2011)
18. False Equivalency Meets Active Listening (7/18/2011)
– “Let Me Introduce Myself”: Sarah Palin
19. Junk Thinking and False Equivalency (8/15/2011)
– GOP Primary Debate Highlights
20. Liberals, Refuse the Gift of Gingrich (12/27/2011)
21. Real Tears, Crocodile Reputation (12/30/2011)
22. Rick Perry Loses New Hampshire Primary—“Literally at the Speed of Light” (1/11/2012)
23. “I Do Reserve the Right to Tell the Truth” (1/15/2012)
– “Let Me Introduce Myself”: Michele Bachmann
24. Huntsman Out; Selective Science In; GOP Climate Change Denial Now Unanimous (1/16/2012)
25. Newt Panders to Latent Racism (1/18/2012)
26. Juxtaposing John King and the SOTU Address (1/24/2012)
27. Histrionics Repeats Itself: Newt Implodes Again (2/1/2012)
28. Mitt Disses Democrats Like a 15-Year-Old Girl Who Just Dumped Her BFF (2/5/2012)
– Greatest Hits
29. Donald Trump’s Endorsement of Romney Worked Flawlessly (2/8/2012)
30. Romney Wows CPAC, Hones His Message (2/10/2012)
31. Dick Cheney Reportedly Lobbied for Maryland Same-Sex Marriage Law (2/17/2012)
– Republican Reasons to Get a Romney Deal in Writing
32. Theological Secularism, Mendacious Factualism, and Rick Santorum (2/21/2012)
33. President Santorum Announces: Church and State Merger Complete (3/2/2012)
34. Rush Limbaugh’s Drive-By Ad Hominem Attacks (3/11/2012)
– “Let Me Introduce Myself”: Glenn Beck
35. Unendangered Species: The Two-Headed Washington Panderer (3/20/2012)
36. G.I. Joe Defends Etch A Sketch From Comparisons to Romney (3/26/2012)
– Republican Reasons to Leave Bain Capital off Your Presidential Resume
37. Mendacity and Misinformation: An NPR, Liberal Elite Perspective (4/4/2012)
38. Speed Opinion-Dating (4/14/2012)
39. Newt Announces Intention to Announce He’s Dropping Out (4/25/2012)
40. It’s Official: Mitt Romney Is Invertebrate (5/4/2012)
– Republican Reasons to Vote Against Romney
41. Voters Who Hate Facts (and the Mitts who love them) (5/11/2012)
42. Sarah Palin Refudiates Romney’s Repudiation (5/24/2012)
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